Friday, June 2, 2023

I Hope You're Hungry!


I have discovered a love for Reddit... More specifically, I have discovered a love for the subreddit r/GifRecipes

This community is a group of people that post recipes in a visual format. For a busy grad student and mom like me, this is a lifesaver!!  I can watch a quick recipe video or gif, and voila, dinner is planned.

Not only does a visual recipe allow you to know what the ingredients and steps are, but you can actually see what is going on in case the written directions are confusing for a beginner level home cook.

It's also nice to see someone else's technique who has created the dish before. It eliminates some of the trial and error that most people have to go through in the kitchen.

Check out this brussels sprouts video and tell me this doesn't look absolutely delicious!!

I'm a dietitian tasked with creating nutrition focused recipe videos and I have no idea what I am doing. This is my first attempt. Any feedback or advice is appreciated!
by u/Gazmocity in GifRecipes

I'm giving myself a personal challenge of creating a recipe gif over the weekend and posting it to the subreddit. So come back and visit me on Sunday and I'll link it on my reflection post! 


My honest review of Reddit...

I really like the platform. I think it's fun and there are a lot of great subreddits to follow. I do think there are a LOT of people on it from all walks of life. And some of those people are not so kind. I chose Christian related topics for my Community Paper assignment so I wouldn't have to deal so much with that kind of reaction that I have been seeing in other forums (due to the strict rules about kindness and vulgarity from the MODs). And please don't take that to mean I'm being snooty and unwilling to associate with anyone from a different path than my own. I have just seen when it comes to a differing of opinions, there is not always a civil discussion. There is name calling, belittling, foul language, etc. A lot of drama happens on this site, which is most of the reason I've stayed far away from social media. I don't wish to put myself in the situation of being subjected to that language or environment - I don't watch it on TV or  listen to it on the radio, so why would I read it from someone on the internet?

But as with most things in life, you must take the good with the bad. So, I'll find my corner of Reddit that is safe and comfortable and I'll communicate and interact there.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine! I have a hard time with social media for a lot of the same reasons you listed, the negativity. I was hesitant at first with Reddit because within my first half hour of looking for forums that I enjoy reading through I was hit with so many rude and overly negative posts that I almost called it a day. But as you said you have the good and the bad. I had so much fun reading through posts based on things I was interested in after finding my people. Your corner looks like fun and I'm looking forward to looking into it.


It's official...

  I know I haven't shared much of myself personally this semester. But I just wanted to say congrats to everyone who graduated today!!! ...