Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Very First Tweet

Tonight, I made my first ever post to Twitter. It was simple, nothing fancy. I included a hashtag and a request for help from my fellow classmates. 

I've spent a lot of time scrolling on this platform, simply being an observer. I don't feel that I have anything to say at this point to be an active participant. I'm hopeful that once I become more comfortable with the platform and all of its features, responding with words instead of a 'like' will be easier. 

I have discovered Twitter can be useful in the education field. This is something that I was hoping to explore when I signed up for EME6414. As I searched through various hashtags, I found #edutwitter. This hashtag led me to the below post:

I was amazed that I could find instructional aids for a learning environment on Twitter. I continued to explore this hashtag, as well as #edchat, and I found so many great resources for education. As a completely new user to Twitter, I had no idea these resources existed. I thought Twitter was a place to express opinions and news in short synopses due to the limited character availability. 

I am excited to continue exploring this platform to uncover even more resources related to instructional design. Who knows, I might even work up the nerve to contribute my own! 


  1. Hurrah! What a lovely discovery to make in the first week. If you follow the right folks, you'll continue to find helpful people and resources. :)

    1. I like to call it a happy accident! I am learning that it can be a helpful tool for career and education, even if it's not something I use personally in my downtime.

  2. Hi Christine,
    I'm glad you found some usefulness in Twitter. I am a little more hesitant than you are. I took a learning and web analytics class with Dr. Bret Staudt Willet. He's done a lot of work analyzing the activity on the hashtags you mentioned. Another great place you may want to look is on Reddit.

  3. Welcome to Twitter, I will admit I've used twitter for ages for work, and it's relatively entertaining. As with anything on the internet there is toxicity, but I found most of it easy to avoid. It's surprising the things you can find within the twitter word limit.


It's official...

  I know I haven't shared much of myself personally this semester. But I just wanted to say congrats to everyone who graduated today!!! ...